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Tag: Mechman

Conrad Czarnik’s “MAGNITUDE 9″

Amps: (4) DD Audio m5  | (3) Ampere Audio AA-75.4 Sub Stage: (8) DB183 Deaf Bonce 18" Front Stage: (Various) Crescendo Audio and Deaf Bonce mids/highs Electrical: (2) Mechman 370a Alts...

Kris Barnhill’s JL Audio “Gorilla”

Amps: (4) JL Audio HD 600/4 | (22) JL Audio HD 750/1 Sub Stage: (6) JL Audio 13" W7 Subs Front Stage: (16) Pro audio tweeters | (16) EV pro audio...

Install Highlight: 2014 Chevrolet Silverado WT

INSTALL HIGHLIGHT | WRITTEN BY LEWIS JACKSON | FEBRUARY 2019 We’ve all seen good custom builds, but it’s the little details that separate the good...

Kyle Wardwell (6) Astar Sounds 18″s

Deck: Kenwood KDC-X501 Amps: STETSOM EX10500EQ | STETSOM EX3000EQ Sub Stage: (6) 18" Astar Sounds Front Stage: PRV 10MR1003FT | PRV TW700TI Electrical: 3 Mechman Billet 370, 2 Limitless Lithium 100ah Various: Rear...